SEF Speaker

Alex Wynaendts

CEO and Chairman of the Executive and Management Board of Aegon N.V.
Alex Wynaendts

Alex has spent over 30 years in international finance and insurance and was appointed CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board in 2008. Educated in France, he began his career with ABN AMRO bank in 1984, working in the bank’s private banking and investment banking operations in Amsterdam and London. Prior to being appointed as CEO, Alex held a number of different positions at Aegon, beginning in 1997 in Group Business Development. In particular, he expanded Aegon’s presence in new markets in Asia and Central and Eastern Europe. Following his appointment as CEO, Alex led Aegon through the economic crisis, ensuring the company maintained its strong capital position. He has subsequently redefined Aegon’s strategy, making its purpose of helping people take responsibility for their financial future central to the business. Central to this has been the digital transformation of the company, which has enabled it to engage with millions of new and existing customers.

Alex Wynaendts

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