SEF Speaker

Anders Olauson

Honorary President, European Patients' Forum, and Chairman, Agrenska Foundation
Anders Olauson

Anders Olauson was involved in the founding of the Agrenska Centre in 1989. He served as director until 2004 and since then has been chairman. He is responsible for establishing The Agrenska Virtual International Academy, a research centre for rare disorders. In 2003 The Eesti Agrenska Foundation was inaugurated, and Anders is serving as Chairman of the Council since then.

Anders is particularly concerned with the impact of rare conditions on children and their families. His work involves contact with both national and regional legislative bodies on the subject of rare disorders. He is also in contact with representatives of hospitals, education and labor unions as well as other key players in the field of rare diseases.

Anders is past member of the board of Eurordis, and was president from 1999 to 2001. He represented it as a member of the board of the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) until 2016. He has been president of EPF since June 2005 until 2016, when he was appointed Honorary President for EPF.

Agrenska was in 2005 appointed member of ECOSOC within United Nations, with “special consultative status”. Agrenska became full member of CoNGO within the UN in 2014, and started with EURORDIS as a partner Committee for Rare Diseases (CfRD) in 2015. Anders is elected Chairman since then for CfRD.

Between 2006 and 2012, Anders was a member of the advisory group for Health Research within DG Research. Since 2013/14 until 2018 Anders was appointed member of the Horizon 2020 Advisory group for Societal Challenge -Configuration ‘Health, demographic change and well-being.

The Swedish Government appointed Anders to serve as a member of the Advisory Council at The National Board of Health and Welfare from 2008 – 2014.

Anders Olauson received HM The King of Sweden’s Medal for his valuable contributions in the field of disability. Anders was presented with the King’s medal 8th size, with the Seraphim Ribbon at the Royal Palace in Stockholm, the 28th of January 2010. He received City of Gothenburg’s medal for outstanding service for the city. Anders was presented the medal in June 4th 2014. In February 2017, Anders received EURORDIS Lifetime Achievement Award, for his vision and goals for the rare disease community and to honour all that Anders has done for the rare disease community.

In March 2018, Anders was elected board member of CoNGO.

Anders Olauson

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