SEF Speaker

Andre Belelieu

Head of Insurance & Asset Management at the World Economic Forum
Andre Belelieu

Andre Belelieu is the Head of Insurance & Asset Management at the World Economic Forum where he oversees the Forum’s relationships with the global insurance industry and develops initiatives and research around key themes shaping the future of insurance and asset management (climate change, aging and longevity, digital transformation, sustainability). Belelieu began his career in Washington DC at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and since then has held a series of positions at the intersection of financial services, strategy and public policy. He served as Assistant Director of the TransAtlantic Business Dialogue and worked from 2006 to 2011 at American International Group (AIG) prior to joining the World Economic Forum to head up the Forum’s Infrastructure Investment Initiatives. Belelieu attended the University of Toronto and the London School of Economics and Political Science. He speaks French and German and resides in New York City.

Andre Belelieu

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