SEF Speaker

Anne-Sophie Parent

Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe (AGE)
Anne-Sophie Parent

Since 2002 Ms. Parent is Secretary General of AGE Platform Europe (AGE), a network of 110 organisations representing some 40 million seniors across Europe in 27 EU Member States. AGE aims to promote older persons’ rights at EU and UN level and voice the interests of the 200 million inhabitants aged 50+ who live in the EU.

Ms. Parent is a member of the High-Level Group on Pensions and sits in the Euro Retail Payment Board of the European Central Bank. She also chairs the Financial Services Users’ Group set up by the European Commission, and the Advisory Board of the Assisted Ambient Living Joint Programme.

Since 2016 Ms. Parent is also Secretary General of the European Covenant on Demographic Change, a large network bringing together subnational public authorities, non-for-profit and profit actors who wish to join forces to promote age-friendly environments in support to active and healthy ageing in cooperation with WHO.

Anne-Sophie Parent

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