SEF Speaker

Caroline Conroy

Lord Mayor of Dublin
Caroline Conroy

Councillor Caroline Conroy was elected the 354th Lord Mayor of Dublin at the Annual Meeting of Dublin City Council held on 27th June 2022 in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Councillor Darcy Lonergan was elected the Deputy Lord Mayor.

Caroline grew up in Ballymun, Dublin and lives in Glasnevin. She is married and has three children. She
is a member of the Green Party, having been elected to Dublin City Council (DCC) in 2019, representing
the Ballymun/Finglas local electoral area. She also serves on the Executive Committee of the Green

She is a member of the DCC Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) on Transport, focusing on making Dublin
easier to move around on public transport as well as on foot and by bike. She sits on the Animal
Welfare Committee and is involved in the move by DCC to take on direct responsibility for dog

As Councillor she has led efforts to create ‘Mini Orchards’ on open ground, with the active involvement
of local community groups and schools, and she succeeded in driving a significant increase in tree
planting in the Ballymun, Finglas and Glasnevin areas. She successfully pressed for a pilot scheme to
create ‘teen spaces’ for young people in Finglas, as well as passing a motion to put CCTV in place in
DCC parks. She arranged for free water butts and gardening courses for residents through community
groups. She led an initiative to clamp down on bike theft, and a drive to encourage people to insulate
their own homes. She also initiated powerlifting exercise classes and strength training in local parks
and gyms.

Caroline graduated with a degree in Business Studies from Dublin City University (DCU), completed at
night while working full time. She worked in a range of Irish and multinational companies, serving as
Human Resources Manager. She has been actively involved in her community since she was a
teenager: leading youth groups, supporting people who live alone, serving on the committees of local
community groups and campaigning on local issues. She has served as Chairperson of school Parents’
Committees and a local Residents’ Group, on Ballymun Biodiversity Group, and on a local adult
Orchestra ‘Setanta Strings’. She started up a local Tidy Towns group, and has a close relationship with
others throughout her constituency. She has represented organisations at meetings at local and
national levels, including a Dáil Committee.

Caroline Conroy is the 11th woman to hold the office of the Lord Mayor of Dublin and the third consecutive female Lord Mayor of Dublin.

The Lord Mayor is addressed as “Lord Mayor of Dublin Caroline Conroy” or “Lord Mayor Caroline

Caroline Conroy

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