SEF Speaker

Esko Aho

Former Prime Minister, Finland; Chairman of the Board of China Office of Finnish Industries and Cinia Oy
Esko Aho

Esko Aho was a Member of the Finnish Parliament for 20 years, from 1983 to 2003. He chaired the Centre Party from 1990 to 2002 and was Prime Minister of Finland 1991-1995. Under his leadership, Finland joined the European Union. After his political career Esko Aho served as President of the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. From 2008-2012 he served as Executive Vice President for Corporate Relations and Responsibility at Nokia Corporation and was a member of its Executive Board. Furthermore he served as elected member of the Executive Board at the International Chamber of Commerce 2013-2019. Currently Esko is Chairman of the Board of China Office of Finnish industries and Cinia Oy. In February 2019 he was appointed to the JP Morgan Advisory Council for Europe, Middle East and Africa. Esko Aho is Strategic Advisor for European Forest Institute (EFI). He also is an advisor to several international and domestic companies and communities. Esko Aho's domestic and international activities are coordinated through his private consulting company Verbatum Oy.

Esko Aho

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