SEF Speaker

Hidenori Arai

President, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Hidenori Arai

Hidenori Arai (MD., PhD) is the President of the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology (NCGG), Japan since 2019. He is also the President of the Japan Gerontological Society, the Vice President of the Japan Geriatrics Society, the President of the Japanese Association on Sarcopenia and Frailty and the Vice President of the Japan Atherosclerosis Society. Additionally, he is the President of Asian Academy of Medicine for Ageing, and the Vice President of Asian Association of Frailty and Sarcopenia. He is a member of the Science Council of Japan since Oct. 2020. After graduating from Kyoto University School of Medicine in 1984 and from Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine in 1991, Dr. Arai spent most of his career in the Department of Geriatric Medicine, Kyoto University. Then he became Professor of the Department of Human Health Science, Kyoto University School of Medicine in 2009 and since then he has been working on frailty and sarcopenia. After the work in the Department of Human Health Science, Kyoto University School of Medicine, he moved to NCGG as the Deputy Director in 2015. He then became the Director of NCGG in 2018 and the President of NCGG in 2019. He is the co-chair of the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia and his primary research focus is frailty and sarcopenia.

Hidenori Arai

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