SEF Speaker

Janine Small

IDM Vaccines Regional President at Pfizer
Janine Small

Janine Small is the Regional President of Pfizer Vaccines in the International Developed Markets (IDM). In her role she focuses on ensuring millions more lives are protected by vaccines, and aims to educate people about the value of life course vaccination. Janine brings more than 30 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry. Since joining Pfizer in 1988, she has worked in a number of diverse markets, including Slovakia, Poland, Russia, Italy and Japan. She has undertaken a range of roles ranging from medical representative, marketing manager in the UK, country manager in Eastern-European Countries to Regional President of Pfizer Essential Health (PEH) in Asia-Pacific and later Europe.

Janine has also been a Board member of the American Chamber of Commerce in several countries, and sits on the board of Nova Medica and the US-Russia Business Council. Janine earned a BSc in Chemistry from Leeds University in the United Kingdom.

Janine Small

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