SEF Speaker

Kazimierz Kuberski

Deputy Minister of Family, Labour and Social Policy in the Republic of Poland
Kazimierz Kuberski


  • the Faculty of Law at Warsaw University,
  • postgraduate courses in administration and MBA studies at the University of Kentucky,
  • postgraduate studies in management in public administration at the Koźmiński University in Warsaw.

Professional experience:

From 2002, he was an expert at Adam Smith Research Centre.

From 1993, he worked in the office of the Capital City of Warsaw, in which, from 2003, he became the deputy director of the Social Policy Department and the Plenipotentiary of the President of Warsaw for the “Warsaw without barriers” program.

In 2005-08 he was the Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in which he was responsible for international relations, social dialogue, migrations and non-governmental organizations.

From 2008, he was a director in the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, and in the last three years he worked as a director of the Office for Cooperation with the Polish Diaspora and Poles Abroad.

From 2019 – Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy.

Kazimierz Kuberski

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