SEF Speaker

Martti Hetemäki

Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Finance of Finland
Martti Hetemäki

Martti Hetemäki is Permanent State Secretary at the Ministry of Finance of Finland since 2013 for a 7-year-term. He accessed the position after a long and distinguished career in the Ministry, including 10 years as a Permanent State Under-Secretary. He chaired the Sub-Committee on Statistics of the European Union’s Economic and Financial Committee (EFC) in 2003-2013 and served as a Director of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).

Martti Hetemäki’s career includes several board memberships. He is the Chairman of the Finnish National Fund Sitra and Vice-Chairman of the Financial Supervisory Authority. Other board activities cover areas such as security and defence, technology, health and social economy.

Martti Hetemäki holds a PhD in economics, Licentiate degree in economics and statistics from University of Helsinki as well as a Bachelor of Science in economics, University of Hull.

Martti Hetemäki

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