SEF Speaker

Murray Aitken

Executive Director, IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science
Murray Aitken

As head of the IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science, Murray Aitken provides policy setters and decision-makers in the global health sector with evidence, analysis, and insights that contribute to the advancement of HumanData Science to improve human health outcomes. 

Aitken is tasked with creating and managing a research agenda that leaders in global governments, payers, providers, academia, and the life sciences industry use to accelerate the understanding of global trends in disease patterns, data science, and technology. This research is used to foster innovation critical to evidence-based decision-making and the advancement of human health. A renowned healthcare expert, Aitken addresses the challenges facing the global healthcare industry and prospects for improving patient outcomes, managing costs and maximizing access through the application of HumanData Science—an emerging discipline that combines insights from  human science (disease biology, prevention, and treatment), data science (AI, Machine Learning, and predictive analytics),and human health (social, environmental, and behavioral).

 He holds an MBA, with distinction, from Harvard University and a Master of Commerce from the University of Auckland in NewZealand.  

 A frequent speaker on the international healthcare industry circuit, Aitken’s perspectives are widely covered in the business/financial press, including The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, Fortune,Time, The Associated Press, Bloomberg Business, Reuters, CNBC as well as in local market publications across Europe, Asia and Latin America.

Murray Aitken

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