SEF Speaker

Olli Rehn

Governor of the Bank of Finland and member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank
Olli Rehn

Dr Olli Rehn is Governor of the Bank of Finland and member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank as of 12 July 2018. He is also Governor of the International Monetary Fund for Finland.

Before joining the Bank in 2017 Mr Rehn served as Minister of Economic Affairs in Prime Minister Sipilä’s Government in 2015–2016. Mr Rehn was Vice-President of the European Commission in 2011–2014. As a Member of the European Commission, he was responsible for Enlargement in 2004–2010 and for Economic and Monetary Affairs in 2010-2014.

Since Spring 2017 Mr Rehn has also been Vice-Chair of the Governance Committee of the International Football Federation (FIFA). Mr Rehn holds a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in international political economy from the University of Oxford (1996).

Olli Rehn

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