SEF Speaker

Päivi Sillanaukee

Special Envoy for Health and Wellbeing, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health Finland
Päivi Sillanaukee

Päivi SILLANAUKEE (MD, PhD, eMBA) is the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland since 2012. Between 2008 and 2012, Dr Sillanaukee was the Director General of the Department for Social and Health Services at the Ministry. Previously, she was the Deputy Mayor and Director of Social and Health Services in the City of Tampere, Finland. Between 1990 and 2004, she held clinical and managerial positions in the Pirkanmaa Hospital District and was a member of the Tampere City Council.

Dr Sillanaukee is a specialist in public health and management from the University of Helsinki. She has worked on policies to promote public health, social protection and gender equality in the European Union and global levels. She has represented Finland in the WHO Executive Board since May 2018 and is currently serving as its first Vice Chair. She is the co-chair of the Alliance for Health Security Cooperation (AHSC) and a member of the Steering Group of the Global Health Security Agenda.

Päivi Sillanaukee

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