SEF Speaker

Regina Regenass

CEO of the World Demographic & Ageing Forum (WDA FORUM)
Regina Regenass

Regina has worked in the financial industry for over 30 years — primarily in Human Resources where she was responsible for delivering global strategies, employee development trainings and HR processes for front, logistics, IT and back office units. During the recent big financial crisis she co-launched the independent corporate Ombudsman Office for UBS employees in Switzerland.

After joining WDA in 2014, she founded the WDA demography network for big corporates as well as small and midcap enterprises. More than 25 companies already joined and follow the demography road map by tackling their specific demographic challenges on, “How to create the future of work?“

At WDA Regina is focussing on the demographic changes that will especially influence our “Work Life”. She provides a co-creative platform by facilitating and promoting demography workshops engaging and bringing together diverse representatives from academia, business leaders and human resources experts. The workshop results go beyond „best practice exchanges“: new and innovative rapid prototyping methods are applied for quick analysis and recommendations. The workshop participants — especially the employers — benefit from a fresh unbiased spirit, interactive exchanges and open discussions.

“Successful employers will have to rethink their strategies along the demographic shifts and requirements of all working generations. In future: Intergenerational work force power will dramatically enhance innovation, productivity and competitiveness. The positive aspects of living and working in an age of longevity need to be identified and unlocked for the benefits of both: economy and society. “

Regina studied Economics & Banking (Commercial High School Diploma) and Human Resources Management in Switzerland. Since 2011 she is Board Member of the Swiss HR Association (more than 6’000 affiliated members and companies). The International Ombudsman Association also accredits her as Mediator.

The WDA Forum was founded in 2002 and acts as platform and Think Tank for a worldwide coordination of efforts and activities related to demographic change and ageing.

Regina Regenass

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