SEF Speaker

Roxana Widmer-Iliescu

Senior Coordinator for Digital Inclusion, International Telecommunication Union
Roxana Widmer-Iliescu

Ms Widmer-Iliescu has 25 years of experience and contribution to the overarching goal of Digital Inclusion through her work in the Development Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), by supporting ITU members' and stakeholders’ efforts in implementing inclusive digital communication for everyone regardless of age, gender, ability, or location in their countries, regions and globally.

In her capacity as Senior Coordinator for Digital Inclusion, Ms Widmer-Iliescu advises ITU members and stakeholders on establishing policies and executing strategies to meet all people's needs in using information and communication technologies (ICTs), especially for those in vulnerable situations. To support related implementation, she designs and leads the development of key ICT /digital accessibility tools and resources and shares her expertise with ITU members’ and stakeholders’ on how to make technology digitally accessible, universally designed, and people-centred. In response to the two megatrends of the ageing population and technology rise and in line with the engagements of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021-2030, Ms Widmer-Iliescu also uses her holistic expertise to address the topic of ageing in a digital world to support policy and decision-makers in building digitally inclusive and age-friendly environments for present and future generations. 

Finally, Ms Widmer-Iliescu advocates and promotes ICTs/digital accessibility as the key enabler to ensure active participation in the digital society and economy of everyone and thus ensure that no one is left behind in the digital age!

Roxana Widmer-Iliescu

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