SEF Speaker

Ryoji Noritake

CEO of Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI)
Ryoji Noritake

Mr. Ryoji Noritake leads Health and Global Policy Institute (HGPI), a Tokyo-based independent and non-profit health policy think tank. He also serves as a pro-bono consultant for Project HOPE. Through HOPE and HGPI, he has led health system strengthening projects in the Asia-Pacific region and engaged in US Navy’s medical humanitarian projects. His focus is a multi-sectoral approach for health issues such as public-private partnerships and civil-military coordination. He was a Working Group Member for the World Health Organization’s “Expert Consultation on Impact Assessment as a tool for Multisectoral Action on Health” in 2012.

Mr. Noritake is a graduate of Keio University’s Faculty of Policy Management and holds a MSc in Medical Anthropology from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is currently a Visiting Scholar at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, a member of Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s Policy Discussion Roundtable for Super Ageing Society.

Ryoji Noritake

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