SEF Speaker

Vappu Taipale

Professor, MD
Vappu Taipale

Vappu Taipale holds a specialty in child and adolescent psychiatry. She served as Finland’s minister of health and then minister of social affairs. Dr. Taipale has been director general of National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health in Finland (Stakes) and has held chairmanships of academic and technological research bodies nationally and within the European Union. She was a member and chair of the United Nations University Council 1999-2007. After retirement she is involved in the WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health Promotion, Prevention and Policies. She was co-president of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) 2008 – 2012. She is currently Member of the Board of Trustees, HelpAge International 2016 –

Vappu Taipale was a founding member of  International Society for Gerontechnology and its first president. She is Honorary President of ISG. The Taipale Family has 4 children and 7 grandchildren.

Vappu Taipale

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