SEF Speaker

Wiking Husberg

Ministerial Adviser on Occupational Safety and Health of Ministry of Social Affairs and Health of Finland
Wiking Husberg

Wiking Husberg is an international consultant on occupational safety and health (OSH).

He started working with OSH in 1973 as a safety engineer with the Finnish Government in the National Board of Labour protection. He has cooperated with the Nordic and European countries concerning machine safety, standardisation and market surveillance. Consultancy work has taken him in the 80’ies to the Eastern European countries, which now has joined the EU. He was Chief Technical Advisor with an ILO OSH project in English-speaking Africa and Team Leader with the European Union/TACIS in Russia in the 90’ies. He spent nine years as the Senior occupational safety and health specialist in Moscow with the ILO Subregional Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia before returning to work as a Ministerial Advisor on OSH in the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Dept of OSH in 2012-2017.

Wiking Husberg

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