High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2024

Defining Leadership in an Aging World


Transforming Healthcare Through a Predict-and-Prevent Model



November 8, 2022


Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

9:40 GMT | 10:40 CET | 4:40am EST

The Silver Economy will enable a shift from the costly, inefficient, and less effective acute care model of healthcare to a predict-and-prevent model with earlier detection, better treatment, and valued prevention strategies. On this panel, we will show how transforming healthcare is fiscally sustainable and supports healthier aging. The panel will focus on prevention and early detection as models for progress.


Arno Rutte
Public Affairs and Strategy Consultant and former Member of the House of Representatives, the Netherlands
Mary Bussell
RN, BSN, MPH, MPhil, PhD Associate, Health Policy, Economist Impact | Lead, The Economist Group’s Vaccine Ecosystem Initiative
Neil Johnson
Chief Executive, Croí­, the West of Ireland Cardiac & Stroke Foundation & National Institute for Prevention and Cardiovascular Health; Executive Director, Global Heart Hub
Finbarr C. Martin
Emeritus Consultant Geriatrician and Professor of Medical Gerontology, Division of Health and Social Care Research, King’s College London
Christine O'Kelly
Age-Friendly University Global Network Coordinator, Age- Friendly University Office, Dublin City University

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