SEF Speaker

Christine O'Kelly

Age-Friendly University Global Network Coordinator, Age- Friendly University Office, Dublin City University
Christine O'Kelly

Christine O’Kelly is the Coordinator of the Age-Friendly University Global Network led by Dublin City University. Under her leadership, the network has grown in strength and number and welcomes over 100 members from across the globe.

She is also responsible for the Age-Friendly Programme at DCU, where she leads the ongoing development of a creative, meaningful, and innovative community of practice.

Christine has an extensive background in working with a range of agencies and networks engaged in enhancing the well-being of older adults. She was the former CEO of Ireland’s Older Women’s Network, a global network focused on gender and ageing.  She works closely with policy and decision-makers. Christine is a respected member of the AGE Platform and the Covenant on Demographic Change in Europe and is a passionate advocate for older people promoting age inclusivity, intergenerational and lifelong learning, challenging ageism and working to change the narrative on ageing.

Christine is a member of the Greenleaf Centre for Servant Leadership and was educated at the National College of Ireland, Trinity College and DCU and is currently concluding a Doctorate in Education with a focus on Leadership.

Christine O'Kelly

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