High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2024

Defining Leadership in an Aging World


Women’s Health: The Barriers and Enablers of Healthy Aging



November 9, 2022


Deloitte Consulting

12:30 GMT | 13:30 CET | 7:30am EST

With longer lifespans; higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic conditions; lower lifetime earnings; and the brunt of the family caregiving responsibilities, women face unprecedented challenges in the era of longevity. Panelists will present strategies for learning what women want and need to help ensure longer, healthier and happier aging journeys.


Borjana Pervan
Director, Director of Strategy and Communications, World Heart Federation
Adrita Bhattacharya-Craven
Director, Health & Ageing, Geneva Association
Matteo Cesari
Scientist (Geriatrics and Gerontology), Ageing and Health Unit, WHO
Celina Gorre
Chief Executive Officer, WomenHeart
Tracy Laabs
Chief Development Officer, Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering
Borjana Pervan
Director, Director of Strategy and Communications, World Heart Federation

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