SEF Speaker

Adrita Bhattacharya-Craven

Director, Health & Ageing, Geneva Association
Adrita Bhattacharya-Craven

Adrita Bhattacharya-Craven, is the Research Director of Health and Ageing at the Geneva Association, a leading global think tank dedicated to the insurance industry. Her work at the GA focuses on the strategic and long-term research priorities of health and life insurers which is undertaken in collaboration with CEOs and senior executives of GA member companies, academic institutions as well as global organisations. Her work reflects the growing convergence of life and health insurance, against the backdrop of an emerging risk landscape brought about by new disease patterns, ageing, technology and other market disruptors that are central considerations for improving consumer access to risk protection and business sustainability. Prior to joining the GA, Adrita has worked extensively in global health across the public and private sectors as well as with global multilateral organisations such as the World Bank and UKAID. She specialises in strategic purchasing of healthcare, health market analysis and have closely supported several high-level health financing interventions internationally.

Adrita Bhattacharya-Craven

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