SEF Speaker

Amal Abou Rafeh

Chief, Programme on Ageing Unit, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), United Nations
Amal Abou Rafeh

Amal Abou Rafeh is the Chief of the Programme on Ageing Section at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in New York. She serves on the Secretariat of the General Assembly's Working Group for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons. Amal is a member of the Steering Group of the Titchfield City Group on Ageing-related Statistics and Age-disaggregated Data.

Amal joined the United Nations in 2001, working in the areas of social policy, sustainable development and demography, and served on the Secretariats of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) and the High-level Meeting on Youth (2011). She held positions in Beirut and New York. Before joining the United Nations, Amal lectured on analysis of social and demographic data.

Amal is the recipient of the 2022 Rosalie Wolf Memorial Award from the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. She was also a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Healthy Ageing and Longevity from 2020 to 2021.

Amal was born in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and holds a Master of Science in Population Studies from the American University of Beirut. Amal is fluent in Arabic and English. She has a son.

Amal Abou Rafeh

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