High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2024

Defining Leadership in an Aging World


The Future Is Here, and the Future Is Aging



October 16, 2024


Bayer Campus Berlin

The aging megatrend is now undeniable, and it’s built-in for decades to come. What will our society look like 20 years from now? What changes and leadership do we need to implement today, nearing the midpoint of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing, to ensure we can meet the needs of our aging society? This panel will look out to the future and discuss ways to prepare for that future and the risks of inaction.


Du Peng
Vice President, Renmin University of China
Amal Abou Rafeh
Chief, Programme on Ageing Unit, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), United Nations
Alex Miller
Managing Director and Global Head of Product, Citi Global Insights
Aylin Tuzel
Global Lead, Covid Vaccine, Pfizer Global Vaccines, VP, Pfizer
John Beard
Director, ILC-US

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