SEF Speaker

Andrea Maier

Professor of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Andrea Maier

Andrea Maier, a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, graduated in Medicine in 2003 from the University of Lübeck, Germany. She became a Specialist in InternalMedicine-Geriatrics in The Netherlands in 2009 and was appointed Full Professor of Gerontology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2013. From 2012 to 2016, she headed Geriatrics at the Vrije Universiteit Medical Center. She then served as Divisional Director of Medicine and Community Care at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and as Professor of Medicine and Aged Care at the University of Melbourne from 2016 to early 2021. Her research focuses on the mechanisms of aging and age-related diseases, and she has conducted numerous international observational cohort studies and intervention trials, publishing over 350 peer-reviewed articles. She is a frequent media guest, a member of various international academic and health policy committees, and the founding president of the Healthy Longevity Medicine Society. She is the past president of The Australian and New Zealand Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research, the founding president of the Healthy Longevity Medicine Society and serves as selected Member of The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.

Andrea Maier

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