High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2024

Defining Leadership in an Aging World


Winning With Women: Unlocking Silver Power for All



October 16, 2024


Bayer Campus Berlin

Women currently control more than $31 trillion of worldwide spending, and by 2028, will control 75 percent of all discretionary spending. And, while women live longer than men, they also spend 25 percent more time in poor health, a fact that threatens healthy aging for – and the economic potential of– women. At last year’s Silver Economy Forum, GCOA launched the WISE Council, built on the premise that when women age healthily, their families, employers, communities and economies all win. This panel will discuss the keys to unlocking the power of Women in the Silver Economy.


Claudia Mahler
Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Andrea Maier
Professor of Medicine, National University of Singapore
Claire Gill
CEO, Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation; Founder, National Menopause Foundation; and Founding Member, WISE Council

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