The Silver Economy Forum 2022 launches new ideas and explores unique collaborations and discoveries that impact healthy aging for older people, and everyone. Highlighting the roles of governments, businesses, NGO’s and academia on the rich topics of the future of the workforce, care-giving, investing in the silver economy, and much more, this exciting Agenda is packed with powerful new perspectives from leaders across the globe.
Meeting the challenges of aging society requires cross-sector and cross-discipline collaboration and partnership, including among private and public sectors as well as institutions, organizations and governments. Embedded in the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing is the need for society-wide partnerships for success. Panelists will share their experiences and aspirations and discuss the enablers of partnerships with the potential to scale.
Mario Ottiglio
President, GCOA
Thiago Hérick de Sá
Ph.D., Technical Officer, Age-friendly Environments, World Health Organization
Melissa Gong Mitchell
Global Coalition on Aging
Alana Officer
Unit Head, Demographic Change and Healthy Ageing, WHO
Antibiotics have helped us achieve our longevity over the course of the 20th century, but our ability to fight infectious disease hangs in the balance with the rise of antimicrobial resistance. What tools are needed to fight this growing and silent pandemic?
Jenelle Krishnamoorthy
Vice President, Head of Global Public Policy and International Affairs, Merck
New policies and approaches to technology, data and connectedness are making health and employment systems smarter, more agile and more responsive to the need of Japan’s aging society. What can other countries learn from the oldest nation in the world?
Kazumi Nishikawa
Director, Information Technology Industry Division, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan
Technology is broadly recognized as an enabler for healthy aging and more efficient health management overall. Its value extends into the workplace and across all aspects of society. Start-ups in the aging space are increasing to meet the demands of healthier living, smarter caregiving and better disease management. The panel will discuss some of the latest digital innovations, the policies needed to equitably deploy these innovations, and how they can be further scaled in all corners of the world to grow the Silver Economy.
Thomas Hach
Executive Director Patient Engagement for Cardiovascular, Renal & Metabolism at Novartis
Ian Philp
Founder and CEO, AgeCare Technologies
Charles Bark
Founder and CEO, HiNounou, and World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer
Philip Hogan
CEO and Founder, Origin Care Group
Julien Pahud
International Digital Health and Innovation Senior Director, Eli Lilly & Company
Aging increases the risk of multiple co-morbidities, and therefore, aging demands a more personalized approach to health, which can support prevention. What strategies from global institutions, local governments and the private sector are delivering integrated care? From WHO’s Age-friendly Cities and Communities Network to its Integrated Care ofOlder Persons (ICOPE) approach, how can integrated care become the standard across healthcare?
Melissa Gong Mitchell
Global Coalition on Aging
Hidenori Arai
President, National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
Mario Barbagallo
Chair, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics-European Region, and Professor of Geriatrics and Director of the Geriatric Unit, University Hospital of Palermo
Kassim Javaid
Professor of Osteoporosis and Adult Rare Bone Diseases, Oxford
Yuka Sumi
Medical Officer, Ageing and Health Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child & Adolescent Health and Ageing (MCA), UHC life course, World Health Organization
With longer lifespans; higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic conditions; lower lifetime earnings; and the brunt of the family caregiving responsibilities, women face unprecedented challenges in the era of longevity. Panelists will present strategies for learning what women want and need to help ensure longer, healthier and happier aging journeys.
Borjana Pervan
Director, Director of Strategy and Communications, World Heart Federation
Adrita Bhattacharya-Craven
Director, Health & Ageing, Geneva Association
Matteo Cesari
Scientist (Geriatrics and Gerontology), Ageing and Health Unit, WHO
Celina Gorre
Chief Executive Officer, WomenHeart
Tracy Laabs
Chief Development Officer, Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering
Healthy aging will be spurred by future innovation tackling chronic disease and managing multiple co-morbidities that rise in prevalence with age. Bayer’s Head of Pharmaceuticals will describe some of the most exciting biomedical advancements on the horizon.
Stefan Oelrich
Member of the Board of Management and President of Pharmaceuticals, Bayer Pharmaceuticals
WHO leadership will describe success in the call for action to ensure success in its four key pillars of long-term care, integrated care, age-friendly environments, and combatting ageism.
Etienne Krug
Director of the Department for Social Determinants of Health at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland
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