High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2024

Defining Leadership in an Aging World


Emerging Lessons from Adult Immunization: Building Blocks for a Sustainable 21st-Century Health System



November 8, 2022


Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

10:30 GMT | 11:30 CET | 5:30am EST

Adult immunization is one of the most promising, proven, and cost-effective preventive tools to support healthy aging and health system sustainability, yet the uptake of vaccines among adults remains both slow and uneven. In this session, experts from the private and public sectors will share insights from the latest research and pilot studies to support more widespread uptake of vaccines among adults, particularly older adults, including best practices from Covid-19 vaccination.


Mike Mansfield
Chief Executive Officer at ProAge
Meral Akçay
DVM, PhD, Global Influenza Expert, Sanofi
Shalini Desai
Medical Officer, Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals Department, World Health Organization
T. Mark Doherty, PhD
Senior Medical Manager, GSK
Rune Hørby
Vaccines Policy Lead, MSD
David Sinclair
Chief Executive, International Longevity Centre UK (ILC-UK)
Mike Mansfield
Chief Executive Officer at ProAge

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