High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2024

Defining Leadership in an Aging World

Fireside Chat

Healthy Aging Through Innovation: Strengthening Patient Pathways to CAR T-Cell Therapy



October 16, 2024


Bayer Campus Berlin

Too often patients are blocked from receiving life-extending and life-saving medicines and treatments simply because healthcare systems are slow to accept and adopt transformational therapies. For example, research on CART-cell therapy shows that its benefits are not small advances but offer significant improvements and have curative potential for blood cancer patients.This Fireside Chat will examine the case study of CAR T-cell therapy and the importance of inspiring collective action from governments, payers, clinicians, and patients to strengthen pathways to innovative and transformational therapies. We cannot squander these critical investments in healthy aging and saving lives.


Jonathan Clark
Patient Advocate, Inspire2Live
Dan Tovar
Head of ACE Medical Affairs, Kite Pharma
Anders Olauson
Honorary President, European Patients' Forum, and Chairman, Agrenska Foundation

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