High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2024

Defining Leadership in an Aging World


Silver Market Dynamics: Understanding and Innovating for Your Changing Customers



October 16, 2024


Bayer Campus Berlin

Companies worldwide have conducted market research to understand the changing needs of older consumers, but even beyond that, the “healthy aging” market is vast, diverse, and lucrative. A panel including marketing, behavioral sciences, and social anthropology experts will help bust myths about older consumers as monoliths and tackle ageism for market advantage. Audience members are invited to share their ‘silver market’ learnings and questions (please notify GCOA staff during lunch if you wish to share during this session).


Catherine Collinson
CEO & President, Transamerica Institute
Mafalda Honório
Head of Longevity Marketing, Fidelidade
Isaac Bentwich
Founder and CEO, Quris AI
Michael Tamblyn
CEO, Rakuten Kobo

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