High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy 2023


New York

2023 Silver Economy Forum Agenda

Throughout the two days, experts explored how the Silver Economy touches each of us, at every age, through the wide-ranging impacts of longer lives on medical innovation, technology, caregiving, workplace benefits, and even the future of fun.

New York

Day One


Fireside Chat
8:15 am

The Silver Economy Forum 2023 co-hosts will open the day and be joined for special welcome remarks by Commissioner Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez on behalf of the City of New York.

Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez

Commissioner, NYC Department for the Aging

David Humphreys

Global Practice Lead, Health Policy, Economist Impact

Melissa Mitchell

Executive Director, Global Coalition on Aging

John Beard

Irene Diamond Professor of Epidemiology and Health Policy and Management, and Director, International Longevity Center-USA, Columbia University
Day One

Temi Folaranmi

Vice President and Therapeutic Area Lead for Vaccines Medical and Clinical Affairs, GSK
Day One
High-Level Keynote

Over the past hundred years, we have experienced asignificant increase in life expectancy. With more old than young in manycountries, and nearly 2 billion Millennials now reaching middle age, our healthsystems must quickly evolve to meet our changing needs. Health awareness andprevention must be prioritized at increasingly earlier stages in life to ensurelonger, healthier lives and, thereby, sustain the healthcare budgets ofcountries. This session will examine the investments in innovation needed tobetter predict, prevent, treat, and care as we seek to transform our healthsystems to a 21st century model that enables healthier aging formore people.

Lindsay Clarke

Senior Vice President, Health Education and Advocacy, Alliance for Aging Research

Yosuke Kita

Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations

Bill Novelli

Founder, Business for Impact, Georgetown University McDonough School of Business, and Former CEO, AARP

Lotte Steuten

Deputy Chief Executive, Office of Health Economics
Day One

How can people age better and healthier? What are some of the latest healthcare innovations in the fight against chronic and age-related diseases? And how can gender differences in healthy aging be better addressed?

Stefan Oelrich

Member of the Board of Management and President of Pharmaceuticals, Bayer Pharmaceuticals

Mike Devoy

Chief Medical Officer, Bayer
Day One
Fireside Chat

Journalist Katie Couric will sit down with caregiver Jessica C. Guthrie, for an intimate conversation about her caregiving journey. They will also share details from the forthcoming documentary, in which Guthrie is featured, coming in 2025 from public television station WETA.

Jessica C. Guthrie

Day One
Fireside Chat

As our global population ages, the demand for innovative and scalable solutions to care for older adults has never been more critical. The integration of new technologies, led by artificial intelligence (AI), into the realm of the care ecosystem represents a groundbreaking opportunity to revolutionize the way we support and enhance the lives of older adults. Innovative technologies, including AI and machine learning (ML), will enable today's elder care to become efficient, scalable, and therefore more effective...much as Henry Ford's assembly line did for the automobile, a century ago. Join us for an enlightening and thought-provoking discussion with Linn Free SVP of Operations at Home Instead, an Honor Company, where we will explore the profound impact of innovative technologies transforming the way we care for our aging population.

Linn Free

Senior Vice President, Operations, Home Instead, an Honor Company
Day One
Fireside Chat
10:10 am
Day One

Women face unique challenges in the workplace and during their careers from their specific health realities to disproportionately shouldering caregiving, both as parents and adult children.  These challenges lead to disruptions in their careers that can result in a diminished ability to accumulate the necessary assets for retirement. To address these issues, and much more, we are gathering women in senior leadership positions across business, government, philanthropy, nonprofits and society broadly to pave the way for future women leaders to achieve longer, healthier, more successful, and happier aging journeys – both professionally and personally.  This session will formally launch the WISE (Women In the Silver Economy) Council, a new cadre of women leaders who are stepping up to drive targeted change and help realize a vision of more equitable aging for women at every age and stage of life, health span, and career.

Claire Gill

CEO, Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation; Founder, National Menopause Foundation; and Founding Member, WISE Council

Rachel Hoagland

Senior Vice President, Consumer Products, Major League Soccer

Lorna Sabbia

Managing Director, Head of Workplace Benefits, Bank of America

Yesmean Wahdan

Vice President, US Medical Affairs, Women’s Healthcare, Bayer Pharmaceuticals
Day One

The European Commission established the role of Vice President for Democracy and Demography in 2019 to focus efforts in addressing the challenges and opportunities of Europe’s rapidly aging population and navigating the impacts of demographic change on the future of Europe. VP Šuica will address how aging affects all generations and the Commission’s future work on addressing these demographic shifts for Europe’s competitive advantage.

Dubravka Šuica (video message)

Vice President, Democracy and Demography, European Commission
Day One
Video Message

New breakthroughs continue to expand the possibilities forpeople living with Alzheimer’s and their families – and more are on thehorizon. New innovations demonstrate the critical importance of continuedinvestment into screening, early diagnosis, and treatment, both for the qualityof life of people living with Alzheimer’s and their families and for healthsystem sustainability, which is under threat due to the growing burden ofdisease as global populations age. This Fireside Chat will uncover some of themost innovative approaches to care and care planning, care management anddelivery, and services and social support that are making a difference forpeople living with the disease, their families and caregivers, and society atlarge. 

Jeremy Abbate

Vice President and Publisher, Scientific American

Phyllis Barkman Ferrell

Global Advisor, Davos Alzheimer's Collaborative
Day One
Fireside Chat

As people around the world age and live longer with chronic disease, how do we ensure access to healthcare that supports life through all stages? Today, more than half of the people living with HIV in the U.S. are now over the age of 50. When we think of aging populations living with chronic conditions such as HIV, what are the current policy conversations happening at the intersection of aging, health equity, and innovation? What role can we all play in cultivating a healthcare system that supports healthy aging? This session will examine how to build a more equitable healthcare system and create policies and partnerships needed to support healthy aging for all.

Betty Chiang

Vice President, US Medical Affairs, Virology, Gilead Sciences

Jax Kelly

President, Let’s Kick ASS (AIDS Survivor Syndrome) Palm Springs
Day One
Fireside Chat

Global population aging is changing every aspect of the modern workplace. Employers and governments are creating a new paradigm for work and benefits to more fully leverage the immense talents and productive potential of today’s multigenerational workforce. This session will examine how innovative thinking about workplace policies, culture, and benefits is rapidly becoming a central strategy for making work “work” in the 21st century – from caregiving and elder care to retirement preparedness at all ages, and mentoring and returnships to tackling ageism from within, and more.

Vanessa Fuhrmans

Deputy Bureau Chief, Careers and Workplace, The Wall Street Journal

Surya Kolluri

Head of TIAA Institute

Ryan Murray

Executive Deputy Commissioner, NYC Department for the Aging

Lin Shi

Principal, Mercer
Day One

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a top 10 global health threat, expected to kill more than 10 million people annually by 2050. As bacteria become resistant to current antibiotics, these antibiotics become less and less effective at fighting infections. The result is that even routine surgeries and common infections can become deadly – from cancer, urinary tract infections, and pneumonia to C-sections, hip replacements, and root canals –threatening to reverse the progress that has brought about our unprecedented longevity. This session will examine innovative financing options to ensure we continue to invest in a pipeline of antibiotics to tackle AMR.

Henry Skinner

CEO, AMR Action Fund

Mark Williams

Associate Director, FasterCures, Milken Institute
Day One
Fireside Chat
12:30 pm
Day One

Yuji Kuroiwa

Governor, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
Day One

The growth of the older demographic around the world necessitates a wider and more ambitious application of age-friendliness throughout all aspects of life. In two back-to-back Fireside Chats, guest speakers will share real-life examples how innovative leaders are leveraging the WHO Age-Friendly City and Communities framework to achieve healthy aging within communities – first by harnessing the power of data to strengthen adult immunization in 5 global cities and second where a bold intervention seeks to improve cardiovascular health within an entire community through a proactive and customized approach. In the panel discussion that follows these inspiring case studies, leaders from finance, design, and societal institutions will discuss how the Age-Friendly framework is inspiring a global movement in age-friendliness that extends far beyond the city.

Murray Aitken

Executive Director, IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science
Day One
Fireside Chat

The growth of the older demographic around the world necessitates a wider and more ambitious application of age-friendliness throughout all aspects of life. In two back-to-back Fireside Chats, guest speakers will share real-life examples how innovative leaders are leveraging the WHO Age-Friendly City and Communities framework to achieve healthy aging within communities – first by harnessing the power of data to strengthen adult immunization in 5 global cities and second where a bold intervention seeks to improve cardiovascular health within an entire community through a proactive and customized approach. In the panel discussion that follows these inspiring case studies, leaders from finance, design, and societal institutions will discuss how the Age-Friendly framework is inspiring a global movement in age-friendliness that extends far beyond the city.

Terris King

Pastor, Liberty Grace, and former Senior Executive Director of Minority Health, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Dominika Murphy

Director, Patient Engagement, Novartis
Day One
Fireside Chat

The growth of the older demographic around the world necessitates a wider and more ambitious application of age-friendliness throughout all aspects of life. In two back-to-back Fireside Chats, guest speakers will share real-life examples how innovative leaders are leveraging the WHO Age-Friendly City and Communities framework to achieve healthy aging within communities – first by harnessing the power of data to strengthen adult immunization in 5 global cities and second where a bold intervention seeks to improve cardiovascular health within an entire community through a proactive and customized approach. In the panel discussion that follows these inspiring case studies, leaders from finance, design, and societal institutions will discuss how the Age-Friendly framework is inspiring a global movement in age-friendliness that extends far beyond the city.

Brian Kaskie

Professor, University of Iowa College of Public Health

Brian P. Kennedy

President, Brian P. Kennedy Arts Consulting

Haleh Nazeri

Lead, Longevity Economy, World Economic Forum

Richard Rosen

Principal, Perkins Eastman
Day One

The “New Old” has arrived!  Adventure travel, augmented reality headsets, online dating, fashion statements, movies about grown-ups – this is no longer your grandparent’s retirement life. And with this perspective on living and new, enthusiastic active aging comes the advent of a new focus on fun for a population that has been heretofore ignored or relegated to rest and passivity. Businesses have been slow to adjust their scopes, yet this older market controls the largest portion of disposable income and research backs the benefits of fun both for healthy longevity and for economic growth across industries, from travel and leisure to gaming and technology. This panel's primary objective is to discuss how the exploding Silver Economy opportunity is reshaping the customer base and business strategies for those who are selling fun, and how these purveyors of fun are helping us achieve healthy aging at all ages.

Catherine Collinson

CEO and President, Transamerica Institute

Rachel E. Cooke

VP, Impact, 1Community

Kelsey Knoedler Perri

Director of Public Relations, Road Scholar

Michael Tamblyn

CEO, Rakuten Kobo
Day One

Smart startups see the value of the $17 trillion Silver Economy. In this fireside chat led by Primetime Partners’ Abby Levy with startups OpenLoop and GetSetUp, we’ll hear about the very real opportunities for investment in innovative markets created by the longevity dividend.  

Lawrence Kosick

Co-Founder and President, GetSetUp

Jon Lensing

Co-Founder and CEO, OpenLoop
Day One
Fireside Chat

The Silver Economy represents a significant revenue and growth opportunity across industries, and business leaders and entrepreneurs of all ages are staking a claim.  While “Silver is the New Green," there are still many who remain on the sidelines because of outdated ageist attitudes that prevent them from fully realizing the potential benefit of this $20 trillion market. In this session, we will hear from leaders that have recognized this business potential, fully engaged their aging strategies and are seizing this opportunity to their advantage.

Charles Bark

Founder and CEO, HiNounou, and World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer

Peter R. Fisher

Managing Director, Strategy, and Head, Global Retirement Initiative, BlackRock

Todd Haim

Director, Office of Strategic Extramural Programs, National Institute on Aging

Ron Robinson

CEO, Beauty Stat
Day One
3:50 pm

David Humphreys

Global Practice Lead, Health Policy, Economist Impact

Melissa Mitchell

Executive Director, Global Coalition on Aging

John Beard

Irene Diamond Professor of Epidemiology and Health Policy and Management, and Director, International Longevity Center-USA, Columbia University
Day One

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